Transforming Virtual Learning Environments into Connected Communities
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These are resources for the presentation, Transforming Virtual Learning Environments into Connected Communities. Click the slides to find that resource.
McIsaac, M. S., & Gunawardena, C. N. (2001). Distance Education. In D. H. Jonassen (Ed.), Handbook of Research for Educational Communications and Technology. Association for Educational Communications and Technology. Online article retrieved from
Terrell, S.S. (2020). Design Amazing Online Learning Experiences Quickly with These Choice Menu Templates. Teacher Reboot Camp. Online article retrieved from
McIsaac, M. S., & Gunawardena, C. N. (2001). Distance Education. In D. H. Jonassen (Ed.), Handbook of Research for Educational Communications and Technology. Association for Educational Communications and Technology. Online article retrieved from
Terrell, S.S. (2020). Design Amazing Online Learning Experiences Quickly with These Choice Menu Templates. Teacher Reboot Camp. Online article retrieved from
- Cultivate relationships
- Student virtual check-ins
- Flipgrid, Google Jamboard, Linoit, Padlet, Peardeck, Buncee, and Nearpod are amazing tools that work on nearly any device to engage students and ensure student voice.
- Find tons of Brain Breaks here.
- Make wellness and well-being a priority- ✔ Create your Zen ✔ Be active ✔ Take breaks ✔ Get some fresh air ✔ Model well-being for your students
- Establish routines and schedules
- Slidesmania has several templates for schedules, calendars, and agendas
- Take, remix, copy and share!
- This is an emoji exit ticket from #UKEdchat. Find more emoji activities here.
- Find the Growth Mindset Self-Talk for students, Permissions, and other social emotional learning visual posters to print and use for free here!
- Find Bitmoji classroom resources here.
- Use Vocaroo to record audio then upload your audio file and place in a Google Slide.
- It takes a village to raise a child- ✔ Co-teach and collaborate ✔ Guest speakers ✔ Global classroom connections ✔ Involve family members ✔ Invite parents ✔ Let the students teach ✔ Be a connected educator ✔ Remix, edit, share
- Zen Design- ✔ K.I.SS Keep it short and simple ✔ Less is more ✔ Give meaningful choices ✔ Make it visually engaging ✔ Create clear and concise instructions ✔ Provide visual guides and tutorials
- Change your environment
- Immersive Reader from Microsoft Education helps English Learners and struggling readers and writers.
- Accountable Talk Sentence Stems for higher level discussions.