Online Language Learning Communities
“Language is not a genetic gift, it is a social gift.”- Frank Smith
Get your copy of Hacking Digital Learning, The 30 Goals Challenge, or Learning to Go. Ask me about training your teachers, [email protected]!
Below are slides, resources, and tips to support your English learners effectively on the virtual learning environments (VLEs) you create for them or introduce them to.
- Check out your VLE and see what tools and features already support collaboration and creativity. Does your VLE have forums, offer badges, or allow you to embed?
- If you are deciding on a VLE, consider the following. What are your students’ ages? Some platforms only allow 13+. Will it be private or public? Does it have the ability for synchronous and asynchronous teaching? What is your connection? What is your access and your students’ access outside school? It is frustrating to only have a Learning Management System (LMS) or VLE accessible when you are on campus. You, your students and their parents should be able to access the VLE outside of class. What is your class size? Some platforms will be free for only a certain number of students. Platforms like Moodle require server space.
- Free recommended VLEs/LMS- GoBubble, Google Classroom, Schoology, Edmodo, Moodle, Lampa, and Canvas.
- Free recommended online language learning communities-
- & iOS/Android App
- & iOS/Android App
- & iOS/Android App
- Online language communities for children!- and
- Learn with Hashtags
- #ESL #EAP #ELLChat #TESOL #ELTChat #BESIG #TEFL#EFL #StudyEnglish #LearnEnglish #Twinglish #ELLs