Language to Go! Mobile Language Learning Activities & Resources
“… young people are reading and writing more than I ever did at their age, but they are doing it using their computers and mobile phones … The mobile is central, and will become even more so as time goes by.” - David Crystal
I believe mobile devices transform learning when integrated effectively. Our students have powerful devices that they can carry in their pockets. With their devices students can capture images, make videos, record audio, access the Internet, and so much more! These tools will work without Internet access. When we download apps and have Internet access, our learners have endless opportunities to learn by creating, exploring, researching, and playing. In my book, Learning to Go, I provide ideas, lesson plans, rubrics, and mobile ready handouts to accomplish this. Below find a list of 50+ Mobile Learning resources!
Get your copy of Hacking Digital Learning, The 30 Goals Challenge, or Learning to Go. Ask me about training your teachers, [email protected]!
One part of my job is traveling worldwide and helping teachers integrate technology and mobile learning effectively even if all they have available are the devices students bring in. If your school is interested in having me work with your teachers and students, contact me at [email protected]. Below is a video of my recent training in Croatia.
Ideas & Resources
- Learning to Go: Lesson Ideas for Teaching with Mobile Devices, Cell Phones, and BYOT by Shelly Sanchez Terrell
- Effective Mobile Learning: 50+ Quick Tips & Resources by Shelly Sanchez Terrell
- Mobile Education – Lessons from 35 Education Experts on Improving Learning with Mobile Technology– my contribution is on page 23.
- Mobile Learning Reflections by Jackie Gerstein
- Hot Apps for HOTS by Tony Vincent
- Mobile Learning Guide Pt 1: Designing it Right by Kineo
- Beginner’s Guide to the iPhone, iPod, and iPad in Education by Slide2Learn
- New technologies, new pedagogies: Mobile learning in higher education
- The Universal Design of Apple Mobile Devices
- Kathy Schrock’s Guide to iPads in the Classroom
- Mobile Learning: A Quick Start Guide by Upside Learning
My Mobile Learning Posts/ Presentations
- Once Upon a Time: Clickable Infographic of 20 Reading Activities on Mobile Devices & Free IOS and Android Apps
- Mobile Learning SlideShare Presentations
- Free Webinar Video Training from American TESOL
- 20+ Fun Free Apps that Promote Student Centered Learning & Literacy
- Magical Moments in Mobile Learning: 20+ Tips & Resources
- 45+ Recommended Educational Apps
- 20+ Apps to Support the Digital Storytelling Process
- 30+ Apps for Celebrating December Holidays
- Why Mobile Learning in Schools Makes Cents
- Sharing Stories: Motivating Language Learners with Mobile Devices
- 10+ Ideas for Using Cell Phones with Young Learners
- Texting and Teachers Experimenting with Technology: 10 Resources
- Mobile Motivation: 17 Digital Storytelling & Literacy Apps/Resources for Kids
- 8 Apps to Prepare You for Your Next Presentation/ Webmeeting
- 14 Apps That Should Accompany You to the Next Conference
- 30+ Holiday Apps for Creativity & Learning
- 18 Educational Apps for Halloween
- Digital Bingo
- Mobile Show and Tell- Divide students into small groups (3 to 5 students). Each student spends about 30 seconds sharing a personal photo from a mobile device and the anecdote behind the photo.
- Recreate a Photo- Students choose one of the Mobile Show and Tell images to recreate as a group. They share the original then the newly created photo.
- Selfie Adventures- Pair students or divide them into small groups. Show them the Animal Selfies Tumblr or the Selfie Animal Tips video. They choose a favorite and write down reasons they liked this selfie. Then give each pair a stuffed animal, doll, character, or sock puppet. They will have to create 2 or more awesome selfies of this character.
- Draw and Dash- Each student will need to use a piece of paper or a drawing app like Tackk, Educreations, Magic Paintbrush, or Sketchbook Express. Name a category like favorite dessert, cartoon, sports team and so forth for students to draw the answers to on their tablets. Give them 30 seconds. When the time is up they should lift up their drawings and run to a peer they believe drew a similar choice. Give them 1 minute to talk about their drawings and exchange one fact or experience related to the choice. Find the Knowledge Swap handout that accompanies this activity in Learning to Go.
- Mobile Me Pictionary- Give each student 3 notecards. Students write on one side a category like a talent, hobby, dream job, or favorite place. On the other side they write down an answer but show no one. Divide students into small groups. Each group will need to use a drawing app like Tackk, Educreations, Magic Paintbrush, or Sketchbook Express. Students stack all the cards with the categories facing up. When you start the timer, one student chooses a card and draws the word(s) on the app. The group tries to guess the answer and who it describes before the time runs out.
- Avatar Bucket Lists- Students write down 3 activities they want to complete within their lifetime. They get into pairs and discuss their lists. They choose one bucket list activity to animate in a short video or comic strip. Useful web tools include GoAnimate, Powtoons, Little Bird Tales, ToonDoo, and Makebeliefs Comix. Useful apps include BuddyPoke 3D Avatar Creator, Tellagami, Drawing Cartoons, Comics Head, and Friendstrip. Find more activities and ideas in this lesson plan I wrote, A Visual Bucket List.
- Vision Boards- Students can use digital poster and scrapbook tools and apps to create goal collages and vision boards. Try any of these tools: Buncee, Tackk, Biteslides, Smore, Pinterest, Glogster, or Pic-Collage.
- 3, 2,1 Introduction- Students use a web tool or app to create a video, comic strip, poster, book, or slideshow that includes the following: 3 things we should know about you, 2 hobbies, 1 dream job. This idea came from Nicky Hockly.
- Avatar Introductions- Students can introduce themselves with a Voki avatar or try one of these free avatar creators! Find several student examples here.
- Name Poems- Use a word cloud tool like Tagxedo or the Image Chef app. They can also do this as a digital poster using tools like Buncee, Tackk, Biteslides, Smore, ThingLink, or Pic-Collage.
- My Timeline- Students create multimedia timelines highlighting significant moments using a tool like Capzles or Popplet which both have free apps for i-devices.
- Icebreaker Mingle- Find my lesson plan that uses the Icebreaker question app here.
- If you have icebreaker handouts like Human Bingo, use Nearpod (accessible on any device) to get students to fill them out digitally. Download my Human Bingo handout here.