Teacher Zen! Wellness and Self-Care
“Caring for ourselves is an act of survival.” - Inspired by Audrey Lorde
The demands and challenges we face as teachers can leave us feeling overwhelmed, stressed, and depleted. Teachers have huge hearts and such outpouring of love daily to so many students will take its toll if we don't prioritize our own wellness every day. Below, I share practical tips and resources to help you help you integrate daily self-care and wellness into your teaching day. Find the slides from my recent presentation, Teacher Zen! Ways to Prepare Yourself for Your Best Year Yet, embedded below. Scroll to the bottom for the bookmarks.
Get your copy of Hacking Digital Learning or The 30 Goals Challenge or take a fully accredited online course for graduate credit (Online Learning Best Practices, Connected Educators or TESOL Methodologies)!
Book me for your next training, keynote, or workshop, [email protected]
Book me for your next training, keynote, or workshop, [email protected]
Teacher Zen Shelly by Shelly Sanchez Terrell
Tips and Resources
- Prioritize Your Wellness
- Identify a glimmer
- Find healthy ways to de-stress
- Practice self-care regularly
- Implement a wellness routine
- Value your overall well-being
- Value your time!
- Say no when needed.
- Let AI be your assistant.
- Use templates.
- Use tools with a library of resources to copy.
- Welcome help!
- It takes a village!
- Student Helpers
- Mentors and Instructional Coaches
- Support Staff
- Families
- Connect with educators online!
- Webinars, MOOCs, online courses, online conferences, virtual events, livestreams, Edcamps, Facebook groups, #Hashtags
- Facebook groups, pages and live events
- Webinars
- Virtual conferences, summits and events
- Online courses and MOOCs
- Make Social Emotional Learning a priority in the classroom. Below are ideas:
- Calming Spaces Resources
- Brain Breaks - Find tons of Brain Breaks here.
- Greet them at the door! https://twitter.com/Enezator/status/1641394844508606467
- Student Check-ins- Teacherrebootcamp.com/virtualcheckins
- Morning Meetings- https://www.weareteachers.com/morning-meeting-activities/
- Daily Reflection
- Journal or blog- Edublogs, Medium, Wordpress, Weebly, Google Sites